《模拟农场14》(Farming Simulator 14)免费特别版 v1.1.2 Iphone版 下载-
- New highly detailed 3D graphics and a slick user interface take your gameplay experience to the next level
- Play with a friend in a free roaming open world in the brand new local multiplayer mode for WiFi and bluetooth
- Plant wheat, canola or corn and sell it in a dynamic market
- Mow grass, tedder and windrow it to create hay bales to feed to your cows, then sell their milk to the highest bidder
- Make money by selling grass or chaff at the biogas plant
- Hire computer-controlled assistants to help you with your work。
版本 V1.1.2 日期 2013-12-12
- stability fixes
- threshing headers may now be attached more easily
- maize chopper: helper may be activated without directly attached trailer
- square baler: fixed bale loss when changing fruit type